Well, Michelle and I just rolled in from 6 glorious days in Cozumel, Mexico! Prior to that we spent the weekend before at the Midwest Fly Fishing Expo.
Just as a quick update, things went so awesome we wouldn't have believed it could have been that good. The show was a lot of fun. I'll bet well over 3000 people showed up, there were a bunch of great vendors there (Jay and I ran into some old contacts and got to catch up on things), and some really cool seminars and demonstrations (Gary Borger was there, and he's pretty much one of the people we look up to the most in fly fishing). Though we didn't get to attend much since we were manning our booth, it sounded like a great time was had by all.
When it was all said and done we met over 500 people and got a lot signed up for our newsletter. There was a great response to the Superpack contest and people liked the flies so much that we sold about 5 Superpacks right there at the show (Dad called them "Instant Winners" for a cost of only $50).
I'm really excited to go back to the show next year, and Jay and I are already thinking of other shows we can hit (maybe the one Denver coming up... or maybe it's already past?). I probably won't say more on the show since I'm planning on doing this months Allen Brothers Newsletter on it in detail.
As for Cozumel...
It was some glorious days! We only got out bonefishing one day, but I learned some cool things about the island of Cozumel that I intend to post a longer blog (it should be some good info for those of you who may want to try finding bonefish on your own) in the next week along with some photos.
That's all for now, but stay tuned in for that bonefishing post.
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